Arhiva zilnică: 30/05/2016

„Cavalerii templieri si faraonii”… Merita citit articolul!

The Knights Templar And The Pharaohs Michelle Walling – François Bérenger Saunière was a priest in the French village of Rennes-le-Château from 1885-1909 and discovered documents hidden in his church showing the genealogy of the Merovingians going back to Jesus and … Continuă lectura

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Cele mai mari statui antice din Egipt sunt monoliti, au fost adusi de la 200Km departare si au… 12.000 de ani vechime!

Publicat în ISTORIE UNIVERSALA(engleza) | Lasă un comentariu

– UFO plutind deasupra unei baze militare aeriene din Ohio…

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-Intre 2025 si 2040 Rusia vrea sa trimta 1-2 zboruri cu echipaj uman pe Luna, in fiecare an.

Russia to launch yearly manned flights to Moon starting 2025 Russia plans to launch one or two manned space missions to the Moon each year between 2025 and 2040, a source in the leading research institute of Russia’s Roscosmos state … Continuă lectura

Publicat în SPATIU - EXTRATERESTRI | Lasă un comentariu

Cine sunt „Ei”… cei din spate, la care se refera lumea cand toate relele se intampla…

Who are “They”? THEY are the people who fabricated the pretexts to the Vietnam War and the Iraq War. THEY are the people who spy on us illegally and call the whistleblowers who expose their crimes traitors. THEY denied they … Continuă lectura

Publicat în VIATA LIBERA ( engleza) | Lasă un comentariu

– Islanda a oferit detinatorilor straini de „bonduri” o „alegere”: vindeti tot acum, sau veti avea banii blocati indefinit!

Iceland Has Offered Foreign Bondholders A „Choice”: Sell Now, Or Have Cash Impounded Indefinitely Iceland has had a difficult past few months politically, as its Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunlaugsson became the first casualty of the Panama Papers. Economically however, … Continuă lectura

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