Arhive pe categorii: MISTERE ( engleza)

Sunete ciudate inregistrate in Suedia timp de 45 de minute…

Mysterious Humming Sound in the Sky recorded in Sweden A puzzling piece for footage from Sweden features a mysterious humming sound that was said to have reverberated through the air for an astounding 45 minutes. The eerie scene was filmed … Continuă lectura

Publicat în MISTERE ( engleza) | Lasă un comentariu

Din nou au inceput sa se auda sunete de trambita din vazduh, de data asta in Chile…

Could This Be the End? Bizarre Trumpet-Like Sounds Cause Panic in Chile (VIDEO) A video has emerged showing the moment when animals and people were left frightened by a loud, unknown sound that rang out during the night. Apocalyptic fears … Continuă lectura

Publicat în MISTERE ( engleza) | Lasă un comentariu