Arhive pe categorii: VIATA (Big Brother-engleza)

YouTube cenzureaza un videoclip al Guvernului Poloniei in care se aratau urmarile catastrofale ale invaziei migrantilor musulmani!

YouTube Censors Polish Government’s Video Exposing Catastrophic Migrant Invasion Google flags content as inappropriate, offensive to audiences The Polish government has fallen victim to YouTube’s selective censorship crackdown after the information giant banished a video exposing Europe’s manufactured migrant crisis … Continuă lectura

Publicat în VIATA (Big Brother-engleza) | Lasă un comentariu

Pentru userii de Android: Google va urmareste chiar si daca va deconectati „serviciul de locatie”!

Dear Android Users: Google Is Tracking You Even If You Disable Location Services Slowly but surely, Americans have been conditioned to give up any expectations of privacy in the name of public safety and/or for simple technological conveniences.  However, there … Continuă lectura

Publicat în VIATA (Big Brother-engleza) | Lasă un comentariu

-Ieri, Federal Communications Commission a dezvaluit planul de a rasturna regula neutralitatii netului,

dand furnizorilor de servicii internet puterea de a decide singuri care website sau servicii pe net, userii sai pot vedea sau folosi! FCC announces vote to reverse ‘net neutrality’ rules Federal regulators have unveiled a plan to overturn ‘net neutrality’ … Continuă lectura

Publicat în VIATA (Big Brother-engleza) | Lasă un comentariu

Etapa urmatoare in recunoasterea faciala: emotiile dumneavoastra!

Facial Recognition’s Next Target: Your Emotions Systems originally developed to identify people from photos can now detect gender, emotions, and much more As facial recognition technology becomes more commonplace, some companies are seeking an edge up on their competition by … Continuă lectura

Publicat în VIATA (Big Brother-engleza) | Lasă un comentariu

-Documente „scurse” arata ca in US politia se foloseste de companiile de utilitati pentru a-i supraveghea pe participantii la manifestatii, practic cu aceleasi metode folosite in „lupta contra teroristilor”!

Leaked Documents Prove the U.S. Treats Protesters Like Terrorists Leaked docs reveal the collusion between local police forces, pipeline company, and defense contractors as they executed ‘military-style counterterrorism measures’ to suppress DAPL protesters. (COMMONDREAMS) The years-long, Indigenous-led fight against the Dakota … Continuă lectura

Publicat în S.U.A.(engleza), VIATA (Big Brother-engleza) | Lasă un comentariu

Mijloace tehnice impotriva „recunoasterii faciale” prin care toate persoanele pot fi urmarite oriunde exista camere de filmare…

Facial Recognition Is Everywhere — But So Are Tools To Defeat It The new Privacy Visor is one of many devices designed to thwart facial detection systems Apart from celebrities and high-profile fugitives, most people take for granted the ability … Continuă lectura

Publicat în VIATA (Big Brother-engleza) | Lasă un comentariu