Arhiva zilnică: 09/10/2015

Uleiul de canabis cu rezultate miraculoase contra cancerului, acum e legal si se gaseste in toate cele 50 de state ale US!

Is CBD Oil really the new miracle cure? One company says the answer may astound you… Miracle CBD- Now Legal in All 50 States With all the talk of Medical Marijuana and it’s many benefits, and state after state legalizing … Continuă lectura

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Reguli uitate din Cartea pierduta a Jocului Vietii!

The Long Lost Instruction Book To The Game of Life When you’ve seen as many movies as I have, you begin to see that they all follow a certain pattern. This is true not just of movies, but of all … Continuă lectura

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Egoul nu poate exista fara o realitate bazata pe „timp”!

Ego Cannot Exist Without A Time-Based Reality The survival of the ego depends on the existence of a time-based reality, attachment of appearances, past and future, is the name of the game for the ego. The Ego You have created … Continuă lectura

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Aurora Boreala vizibila in UK mult mai la sud decat e normal…

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Istoria nepublicata a lagarelor de concentrare pentru evreii refugiati din anii ’30-’40 din… Marea Btitanie!

Untold Story of British WWII Concentration Camps for Jewish Refugees The gruesome and shameful history of British concentration camps for Jewish refugees in Palestine during the Second World War still remains largely unspoken. When one refers to the issue of Jewish concentration … Continuă lectura

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