Arhiva zilnică: 09/03/2016

Lolec si Bolec botezul la ecuator

Publicat în DESENE ANIMATE | Lasă un comentariu

-Misterul planetei Mercur: e acoperit cu o crusta bogata in carbon! (Ha … pai daca s-au gasit ghetari la poli… pana la temperatuei „-” exista si cele de 0 – +40C , apa si viata! )

Mercury’s dark secret: an ancient carbon-rich crust It’s the smallest planet in the Solar System but home to a massive mystery: why is Mercury so dark? Belinda Smith reports on one of the last insights from NASA’s Messenger probe, which … Continuă lectura

Publicat în SPATIU - EXTRATERESTRI | Lasă un comentariu

Bacteriile pot transmite mesajele electrice la fel ca neuronii…

Bacteria Can Convey Electrical Messages the Same Way Neurons Do Electrical signaling was previously thought to occur only in multicellular organisms Bacteria may be ancient organisms, but don’t call them primitive. Despite being unicellular, they can behave collectively—sharing nutrients with … Continuă lectura

Publicat în SANATATE(engleza). | Lasă un comentariu

Istoria lui Candice-Marie Fox care aflata in stadiul 3 de cancer tiroidian, si-a schimbat radical atitudinea, dieta si stilul de viata invingand boala!

Personal Transformation Key to Beating Stage IV Cancer: Survivor Alex Pietrowski, Staff Waking Times Everyone loves a miracle, and as cancer rates continue to rise around the world, those who are able to beat cancer and survive the chemotherapy and … Continuă lectura

Publicat în SANATATE-CANCER | Lasă un comentariu

Adevarata manipulare climatica!

Irrefutable Film Footage Of Climate Engineering Aerosol Spraying Dane Wiginington Contributor, The geoengineers continue to ramp up their ongoing aerial bombardment of planet Earth. In order to wake up the sleeping masses to the war being waged against them … Continuă lectura

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Datele transmise de radiosonda NOAA arata ca nu a existat o incalzire globala in ultimii 58 de ani!

NOAA Radiosonde Data Shows No Warming For 58 Years In their “hottest year ever” press briefing, NOAA included this graph, which stated that they have a 58 year long radiosonde temperature record. But they only showed the last 37 years … Continuă lectura

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