Arhiva zilnică: 24/03/2016

Chip N Dale – Chicken in the Rough

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Rusia are acum cea mai inalta rata a natalitatii din Europa iar populatia e sanatoasa la nivel rezonabil.

Russia Demographics Are Now Reasonably Healthy. Birth Rate the Highest in Europe Contrary to enduring myths Russia demographic crisis is no more This article originally appeared at Da Russophile Nobody concerns himself overmuch with the United Kingdom’s birth rate, and its portents … Continuă lectura

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-UN vrea dominare totala si completa a datelor biometrice ale rasei umane!

UN Seeking Full-Spectrum Biometric Dominance of the Human Race The UN has announced a plan to biometrically track every citizen on Earth – to collect and store all the information about our facial features, fingerprints, iris codes, DNA and anything … Continuă lectura

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Statisticile arata ca armata Rusiei e mai buna si de 6X mai ieftina decat cea a US!

Shocking Statistic: Russia’s Military Is Better and 6 Times Cheaper Than the US’ Russia’s journalists decided to shock their Ukrainian colleagues and homegrown liberals with the truth about the figures and results of the military operations of Russia and the … Continuă lectura

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-Cine vrea haos in Europa? Mergeti pe firul banilor!Proprietarii Sistemului Fnanciar Global vor sa se salveze de la colaps! Chaotization of E

Chaotization of Europe: Follow the Money Sergey Filatov Translated by Kristina Kharlova Brussels was blown up. The capital of the European Union housing NATO headquarters. Who? And why? No matter what they say about the terrorists – who they are … Continuă lectura

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-Bruxelles 3/22, operatiune „gladio” de sarbatoare satanista? De cand au loc atacuri „musulmane”in zile de sarbatori ale gruparilor satanistilor din US si Europa?

3/22 False Flag! Gladio Strikes Brussels on Satanic Holiday If you believe “radical Muslims” observe satanic holidays and name their groups after pagan goddesses, I have some real estate in Mesopotamia to sell you “Radical Muslims” (meaning fanatical wahhabis and … Continuă lectura

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