-Bruxelles 3/22, operatiune „gladio” de sarbatoare satanista? De cand au loc atacuri „musulmane”in zile de sarbatori ale gruparilor satanistilor din US si Europa?

3/22 False Flag! Gladio Strikes Brussels on Satanic Holiday

If you believe “radical Muslims” observe satanic holidays and name their groups after pagan goddesses, I have some real estate in Mesopotamia to sell you

“Radical Muslims” (meaning fanatical wahhabis and other extreme-puritanical types) do not celebrate other people’s holidays…least of all the holidays of satanists.

Yet we are told that ISIS, whose acronym invokes a pagan goddess, has just conducted a big human sacrifice in Brussels on a major satanic holiday.

And it’s somehow all the fault of “radical Islam.”

Yeah, right.

The date 3/22 (322) is not only the emblem of America’s leading CIA-Freemasonic elite group, Skull and Bones.




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