Arhiva zilnică: 17/03/2016

disney cartoons Disney Cartoon

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-Sunt plantele mai inteligente decat oamenii?

Are Plants More Intelligent Than People? “Even atoms possess a certain measure of intelligence.” ~ Thomas Edison “To begin to understand the gorgeous fever that is consciousness, we must try to understand the senses and what they can tell us … Continuă lectura

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– Misterioasa pata stralucitoare de pe Ceres, isi schimba forma in fiecare zi…

This image taken from NASA’s Dawn spacecraft in orbit around the dwarf planet Ceres shows the very bright patches of material in the crater Occator. NASA/JPL-CALTECH/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA GALLERY CeresDelights:Dawn’sLatestDwarfPlanetViews:Photos VIEW CAPTION + VIEW CAPTION + VIEW CAPTION +#3: We Can Easily … Continuă lectura

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-Media corporatista este detinuta de cei ce vor sa distruga civilizatia umana prin razboaie!

Chomsky: Mainstream Media Owned By Those Who Would Destroy Civilization With War (Video) The noted scholar, linguist, philosopher and activist declared that mainstream media is based in ‘institutions of power and domination’ that oppose the interests of humanity and the … Continuă lectura

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Apple acuza FBI, Deparatmentul Justitiei, ca „incearca sa rescrie istoria” prin cererile lor neconstitutionale care contravin „parintilor fondatori”

de a livra „porti de intrare in telefoanele lor” apartinand consumatorilor  individuali. ‘Founders would be appalled’: Apple accuses FBI, DoJ of trying to ‘rewrite history’ Apple has accused the US government of „attempts to rewrite history”, saying that Founding Fathers … Continuă lectura

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16 nave americane care au ajutat in situatia de la CN Fukushima in 3/11, sunt si acum contaminate radioactiv!

16 US Ships That Aided Japan Still Contaminated With Radiation Sailors scrub the flight deck aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan following a countermeasure wash down to decontaminate the flight deck while the ship is operating off the coast … Continuă lectura

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