Arhiva zilnică: 28/03/2016

A Walt Disney Silly Symphony – The Grasshopper and the Ants

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–Un grup de cercetatori de la Scripps Research Institute (TSRI ) au descoperit ca celule imunitare din sangele omenesc exista deja gata pregatite sa invinga virusul HIV.

Key to HIV Treatment Found in Human Blood A group of scientists from Scripps Research Institute (TSRI ) discovered that immune cells able to conquer HIV are present in the human body. Some people infected with HIV can produce antibodies that … Continuă lectura

Publicat în SANATATE(engleza). | Lasă un comentariu

-Google isi va anunta utilizatorii daca Big Brother ii urmareste.

aici articolul: Google upgrades warnings to alert users to when Big Brother is watching

Publicat în VIATA (mediul online-engleza) | Lasă un comentariu

-In US experientele medicale pe oameni inclusiv pe copii, au luat proportii rampante!

Human Experimentation Rampant in the United States In an article in the New Republic in December, 1998, former UNSCOM leader Scott Ritter decried Iraq’s chemical and biological weapons experiments on human subjects. Wrote Ritter, “We had received credible intelligence that 95 … Continuă lectura

Publicat în S.U.A.(engleza), SANATATE(engleza). | Lasă un comentariu

-Companii care valoreaza mai mult decat intreaga bursa a unei tari…

The map that shows which companies are worth more than the stock markets of entire countries It has been a difficult year for stock markets around the world The map compares big company valuations with the stock markets of some … Continuă lectura

Publicat în ECONOMIE-FINANCIAR ( international) | Lasă un comentariu

Mostenirea” Fukushimei pana acum: 21 milirde dollari cheltuiti pentru decontaminari si alte operatii adiacente, 10,7 milioane tone de deseuri radioactive!

“City” Of Waste: Fukushima Cleanup Now Up To 10.7 Million 1-Ton Bags Of Radioactive Waste The fifth anniversary of the Fukushima disaster was on Friday, March 11. Since that fateful day in 2011, the Japanese government and the United States … Continuă lectura

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