Arhiva zilnică: 04/04/2016

Desene – Surf Crazy

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Milionarii parasesc Europa care se scufunda!

Millionaires Flee Sinking Europe It appears that the elites who have lobbied for cheap labor and lectured us on the benefits of vibrant diversity aren’t so keen on sticking around to enjoy the multicultural paradises they helped create. At least, … Continuă lectura

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Un hacker se destainuie: „am „aranjat” alegerile prezidentiale in 9 tari!

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-Sefa FMI Chrstine Lagarde: „Cand lumea se duce de rapa, noi prosperam”!

IMF’s Christine Lagarde: „When The World Goes Downhill, We Thrive” When we wrote earlier that based on a leaked Wikileaks transcript, which the Greek government interpreted „as revealing an IMF effort to blackmail Athens with a possible credit event to … Continuă lectura

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-Moartea prin epuizare datorita muncii excesive, in crestere in Japonia!

Female job seekers take notes as they attend an orientation session at a company booth during a job fair held for fresh graduates in Tokyo on March 20. | REUTERS Death by overwork on rise among Japan’s vulnerable workers Japan … Continuă lectura

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Curg comenzile externe in Rusia pentru sistemul de aparare atiaeriana S-400!

Top Commodity: Russia Has Its Hands Full With S-400 Orders Why is Russia working double-time churning out ever more S-400 anti-aircraft missiles? What bonuses did the Syrian campaign bring to Russia’s arms manufacturers and how will Russia’s missile forces benefit … Continuă lectura

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