Arhiva zilnică: 18/04/2016

UFO in Dubai…

Publicat în SPATIU - EXTRATERESTRI | Lasă un comentariu

China prezinta lumii pe Jia Jia – zeita robotilor!

‘Yes My Lord, What Can I Do for You?’ China Unveils ‘Robot Goddess’ Artificial Intelligence is looking and acting more and more like the real thing. „Don’t come too close to me when you are taking a picture. It will make … Continuă lectura

Publicat în STIINTA-TEHNOLOGIE | 1 comentariu

Paraziti psihici, fiinte interdimensionae si elita oculta! NY modelul „inchisorii moderne” in care prizonierii nu isi mai percep inchisoarea!

Psychic Parasites, Inter-Dimensional Beings and the Occult Elite Alex Vandenberg, Contributor Waking Times “Know thyself and you will know the Universe and the Gods”– Delphi Oracle When scurrying down the rabbit hole on the pathless path one is inevitably confronted … Continuă lectura

Publicat în VIATA LIBERA ( engleza) | Lasă un comentariu

Sambata dimineata strazile din orasul japonez Fukuoka acoperite de o spuma misterioasa dupa cutremurul de zilele trecute! Galerie foto

Japanese city covered in mysterious foam after earthquake The strange foam was spotted in the southern Japanese city of Fukuoka, around 90km from the epicentre of the earthquake An unexplained carpet of foamy bubbles filled streets in the centre of the … Continuă lectura

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Sunete puternice si inexplicabile au reaparut in diverse parti ale lumii!

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-Presedintele companiei petrolifere British Petroleum, Bob Dudley, a primit o marire de salariu de 3,3 milioane dollari, dupa ce a concediat 12.000 de angajati.

BP CEO to get $3.3 million raise after 12,000 layoffs BP Chief Executive Officer Bob Dudley is due to receive $19.6 million in pay, a 20 percent raise, even after the company lost a record $6.4 billion and laid off … Continuă lectura

Publicat în ECONOMIE-FINANCIAR ( international) | Lasă un comentariu