Arhiva zilnică: 29/04/2016

– Corbii sunt tot atat de inteligenti ca si cimpanzeii, desi au creierul mult mai mic!

WATCH: Ravens just as clever as chimps despite having mini brains Study led by Lund University shows that ravens – despite their small brains – are just as clever as chimpanzees, indicating that neuronal density and the structure of the … Continuă lectura

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-Cercetatori de la University of California, Berkeley, au realizat „harta distributei cuvintelor pe creier”

. Ex o anumita regiune se activeaza pentru cuvinte legate de imbracaminte si infatisare, s.a.m.d…. Brain’s ‘atlas’ of words revealed Scientists in the US have mapped out how the brain organises language. Their „semantic atlas” shows how, for example, one … Continuă lectura

Publicat în VIATA LIBERA ( engleza) | Lasă un comentariu

-Pasaportul lui Neo din filmul Matrix 1999 expira pe 11 Sept.01 !

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US vrea in cativa ani sa-si mute satelitii „valorosi” in spatiul cosmic indepartat lasand orbitele terestre pentru satelitii comerciali

US Plans to Move Assets to Deep Space in Three to Four Years – NASA Chief The US government will move its space assets to deep space orbits within several years, leaving the launching of satellites into low earth orbit … Continuă lectura

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Incendiu in Aria 51, sat numai foc de ierburi in desert?

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– Un general american vorbeste despre noile provocari ale lumii de azi in care armata nu va trebui sa faca fata numai altor armate ci si „hibrizilor si omuletilor verzi”!

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